Has your home become your workplace since the onset of the global pandemic? And who would have thought this scenario would still be in place after more than ten months? Keeping work separate from personal life has always been a challenge for many people, but this takes it to a whole new level.
The perks – such as flexing your schedule and not having to face rush hour traffic – may be nice, but you need boundaries. Mental health experts concur that drawing lines to delineate work from home – even if they are one and the same – is critical to your well-being. So, how do you make that happen?
Design a new commute.
This is the “good” commute versus that stressful one where you sat on the highway waiting for the bottleneck to clear. Because unexpected travel-related stress factors aside, a commute to and from work can be a great time to mentally switch gears and decompress before entering the next phase of your day.
· To better compartmentalize, make your daily commute a walk around the block, a bike ride, or a 15-minute exercise video. It’s a great way to blow off steam, get those endorphins pumping, and clear your head.
Reinvent your daily rituals.
If you were back in the office, what daily routine would you follow to keep yourself mentally in the game? Okay, so you can’t catch up with your work buddies in the breakroom for coffee or a high five to celebrate your latest Fantasy Football coup. Instead, find a new way.
· Start by getting up and getting dressed for work. You don’t necessarily have to wear typical work clothes. But shower and get spruced up, even if today’s ensemble means your yoga pants and top match. The ritual of getting ready is another key home-to-work step. Reverse it at the end of the day.
· Take breaks. Schedule coffee and lunch breaks during your workday, when you physically step away from your laptop, inbox, and to-do list. Maybe use this time to phone a friend – but no shop talk!
Know when to say when.
The beauty of working from home is that usually, you don’t have to limit your hours to 9 to 5. But, you do have to limit them, period. If you’re struggling with this, it may help designate specific work hours, put them on your calendar – and stick to them.
· Take entire days off. Say what, now? You may be thinking, “well, duh.” But when you work from home, hours, days, and weekends tend to blur together. And as you’re puzzling over why you feel so burned out, you may realize it’s because you can’t remember the last time you went through an entire day without doing something work-related. Yikes.
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