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6 Ways to Prepare for a Recruitment Market Bounce Back

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The dark cloud of COVID-19 is finally lightening, and the recruitment market is on the rise again. It’s likely to be a big swing, from an economy where talent was scarce to one with potentially high unemployment and much more of a remote work environment.

As you ramp up for the new face of recruitment in 2021 and beyond, here are six actions you can take to be fully prepared for what lies ahead:

1. Familiarize yourself with industry changes.

If you haven’t worked within a particular industry since before the pandemic, make sure you’re up to date on any recent changes. Read up on industry-specific developments, company newsletters, and other resources. Learn important stats like unemployment rates and what competitor performance looks like.

2. Take advantage of the available talent pool.

Unemployment has hit new heights during Covid-19. Before the tide turns, dive into this talent pool and build your candidate database. And, continue to communicate regularly with those who already reside there. Continue to develop relationships and loyalty.

3. Showcase your personal brand.

As a recruiter, you have a unique insight into the market regarding current workplace trends like diversity and inclusion, remote working, and employee safety and well-being. Continue to develop these strengths as part of your brand, and then get out there and showcase your expertise. Maybe write a white paper or blog, or start a podcast or video series. Think outside the box; the possibilities are endless.

4. Prep your candidates for the new normal.

Give your candidates a good idea of what to expect when the job market picks up. Help them polish up their resume, profiles, and portfolios, practice interview questions, and cover any gaps on their CV. At the same time, an influx of new roles is anticipated in the months ahead, competition for the best jobs is likely to be fierce. Prepare your candidates to shine when their time comes.

5. Provide your clients with best-practice tips.

Depending on who your clients are, they may or may not have made hiring a priority during the pandemic. Chances are, it’s been one extreme or the other, depending on their industry. Help them prepare for whatever their reality will be. For many employers, this will mean more remote hiring and team management. Bring them up to speed on best practices, while you position yourself as a recruitment and talent management thought leader.

6. Make sure everyone is tech-ready.

We’ve all become Zoom-meisters this past year. But for recruiters – as well as their clients and candidates – managing or being part of a remote workforce requires more. For your clients, make sure they have everything in place to manage virtual teams effectively. Give candidates all the help and resources they need to be tech-savvy, so they don’t fall behind. Last but not least, keep up with it yourself. It’s a bit mind-boggling, but you got it!

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