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5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Determine if a Remote Position is Right for You

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Do you dream about working remotely – or, are you not so sure it’s right for you?

Yes, remote work has its perks. Who doesn’t like to hang out in yoga pants 24/7? But … you may miss the daily interaction with colleagues, the grousing in the break room over lunch, and maybe even the commute. Hey, you can get a lot done during a train ride, right?

Are You a Fence Sitter?

You’re looking into your next job opportunity and trying to decide if a remote position is right for you. If you’re struggling with this decision, ask yourself:

  1. Is remote work practical for me in the long term?

Remote work adds a certain element of flexibility to life, but it’s not everyone’s idea of the perfect situation. Take a good, hard look at the pros and cons before you jump in with both feet.

  1. What about my productivity?

There can be numerous productivity advantages to working remotely. You’re not bound to a 9-to-5 schedule and you won’t have coworkers stopping by to recap last night’s episode of your favorite TV show. But, are you the type of person who can stay focused on work long enough to get it all done at home? In other words, while folding laundry, chauffeuring the kids to ballet, and/or watching those shows?

  1. Will I be able to maintain work/life balance?

Well, you need to figure out a way to do that regardless of your situation. And it’s hard to doubt this will happen when you literally live where you work – as long as you can honestly answer “yes” to that crucial productivity question.

  1. The pandemic made me realize my health and well-being come first. So, how can I keep this in mind while staying on my preferred career path?

It may be easier to prepare and eat healthy meals at home, as well as take a walk or a run when you need a break. But it can also be much too easy to reach for that bag of Doritos in the pantry or blow off a pre- or post-work class at the gym. Either way, you need the mindset and self-discipline to take care of yourself and in doing so, become better at work and everything else in life.

  1. Can working remotely benefit me financially?

By working remotely, you can cut transportation, work wardrobes, and cafeteria or restaurant lunches from your budget. Maybe you’re even considering a second gig?  Again, as long as you can stay healthy, meet deadlines, and deliver desired results, then remote work will probably be fine.

As a recruiter, where might your next awesome career opportunity be – whether it’s remote, in-house or hybrid? Wouldn’t it be great to work with people who really get it? How about a team of recruiters devoted exclusively to talent acquisition – matching their fellow recruiters with leading employers? That would be us: Search Wizards. Contact us today so we can start the convo!



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