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Keep Morale High in the Era of Hybrid Work Using These 3 Tactics

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It’s been over a year and a half since the sudden onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought office life to an abrupt halt. People previously used to being surrounded by their teammates and humming along to the buzz of the workplace have adjusted, for better or worse. But for many, it’s gotten old, and their positive morale may be falling by the wayside. How do you pump it up again as a driver for productivity and engagement, and avoid feelings of isolation or disconnect that may be creeping in? 

Here are three suggestions: 

1. Stay connected. 

As a manager in a remote or hybrid work world, you face your own time-consuming challenges. But it’s still important to find time for your employees regularly. A virtual connection may be the only option most, or all, of the time, but it’s still about dedicating your time just to them. 

  • Start, restart or continue one-on-one employee meetings. Just as though you were both in the office, shut out distractions and interruptions, be an active listener, and give employees plenty of opportunity for input and feedback. 
  • When working remotely, video is your best choice. As they see your facial expression and body language, remote employees feel reassured and more comfortable. 

2. Keep learning and development as a priority. 

Morale is boosted when employees know that their employer believes, values, and invests in them and in their career development. So, don’t let this commitment slack just because in-house training may not be feasible. 

  • Keep remote workers from feeling stagnant or as though they’re lacking growth opportunities. E-learning can be a great solution for people to dip in and out of training sessions and fit them around their work/life schedules. Continue to support people taking courses, attending seminars and workshops, and being involved in their professional associations. 

3. Continue to show that you care. 

Really, it’s all about caring, but there are additional steps you can take to show your ongoing support for remote workers, just as you would if they were on site. 

  • Recognition can be even more meaningful when someone is working remotely. When you’re not there to receive thanks or acknowledgment in person, it can feel like your work has gone unnoticed. So, never miss an opportunity to recognize and reward employees for a job well done. 
  • Host virtual celebrations for birthdays and work anniversaries and/or acknowledge them via your internal media. 
  • Set up virtual support groups that “meet” via video calls or instant messenger. This lets people address specific issues and concerns, seek answers, and offer solutions as they continue to build stronger interpersonal relationships. 

Build Your Team with Search Wizards 

Building a team and keeping morale high are ongoing challenges, whether your people are sitting in the office next door or working remotely from miles away. For additional tools and tactics, tap into the Search Wizards team’s creativity, expertise, and resources. Because talent management and acquisition and growing the careers of recruitment superstars are our sole focus. Contact us today to brainstorm some ideas and learn more about what we can do for you. 



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