2020. What a year.
Who knew, last year at this time – or even eight months ago – what it would look like? Nevertheless, here comes the holiday season and then the start of another 365 days. Regardless of where 2020 has taken your business, remember: your employees are your most valuable asset. So this year, take extra special measures to show them your appreciation and gratitude.
Give a little extra, even if your company is feeling the financial pinch of COVID-19. Thanks, appreciation, and recognition don’t have to be expensive. They just have to be sincere.
Write a note.
Nothing beats a simple, heartfelt “thank you.” A handwritten note may seem old school, but it is so meaningful, especially when most messages are conveyed via ultra-quick and impersonal texts or emails.
- Use your best penmanship (remember that word?) and show that you took the time and effort to write a thoughtful, personalized message of gratitude. Mention an employee’s individual contributions during 2020. This is particularly important if their job demanded that they go above and beyond during an unprecedented time.
Give a gift card.
This is a great way to support local businesses that may be struggling during the pandemic and recognize and thank your employees. Whether they opt for curbside pickup or dining a la social distancing, people will appreciate not having to cook – or being able to direct budget dollars toward their holiday gifts versus more groceries – during the holidays.
- Consider gift cards for added necessities and conveniences – like family dinners delivered at home, online shopping, or fitness trackers for those needing to offset sedentary habits stemming from pandemic quarantines.
- Be creative but more importantly, make sure whatever you give is personal. Does an employee have young children? Pets? A favorite hobby or pastime? Tailor gifts or gift cards to whatever carries the most meaning. One-size-fits-all simply doesn’t cut it.
Set a “no work emails or texts during the holidays” policy.
Coronavirus has dictated that many people work from home, perhaps for the first time ever. It has its advantages, like being based on your laptop on the couch in your jammies, but also its disadvantages. A distressing drawback is finding it tough to draw the line between work and personal life.
- Direct your employees – and lead by example – against sending or checking messages while they have days off for the holidays. Start with Thanksgiving: it is not just another Thursday. Then try extending it through the four-day weekend. Build long weekends out of other holidays, too. For starters, Christmas and New Year’s days both fall on Fridays this year. Maybe you can extend your “no contact” policy to include the eves as well and give people a bona fide four-day weekend, even if their office is located at the dining room table.
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At Search Wizards, talent management and workforce solutions are our specialties. And building winning teams is our forte. To help you recognize your team members this holiday season and prep for success in 2021, read our related posts or contact us today.